The Cotswold Link's Annual Family Christmas Quiz

The Cotswold Link's Annual Family Christmas Quiz

Relax and chill out, these questions are for the young and not so young. You may not even agree with some of the answers, but the quiz is for the family to take part and enjoy.

1 Who led the Parliament that banned Christmas?
2 Who wrote “In the Bleak Midwinter”?
3 A Christmas hit sung by Bing Crosby and David Bowie?
4 What were the first words that the Herald Angels sang?
5 On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me?
6 Father Christmas is also known as Saint ………?
7 Who did Mummy kiss under the mistletoe?
8 Where did Mary and Joseph travel from before reaching Bethleham?
9 Which Christmas song was broadcast from Gemini 6 in 1965?
10 In what year was Queen Elizabeth II speech first televised?
11 What date is St Stephen’s day?
12 What colours are the berries of the mistletoe plant?
13 Who wrote “Auld Lang Syne”?
14 “So this is Christmas” are the first words of which John Lennon song?
15 Who was the first British monarch to broadcast a Christmas message to the nation?
16 What river did George Washington cross on Christmas Day 1776?
17 What do people in Norway hide to prevent wizards and witches from using them?
18 Which King hunted baby Jesus?
19 What animals does Santa Claus use for transport?
20 Who makes the toys for Santa Claus?
21 In which language is Santa Claus known as “Pere Noel”?
22 How many reindeer pull Santa Claus’ sledge?
23 How many points are there on a snowflake?
24 Which member of the Royal Family introduced the Christmas tree to the UK?
25 What coin used to be hidden in a Christmas pudding?
26 What spirit do you pour on to a Christmas pudding?
27 What is a male turkey called in the Uk?
28 What is a female turkey called in the UK?
29 Donner and Blitzen are two of Santa’s?
30 How many days are there to open on an Advent calendar?
31 In which country were Christmas trees fist used to decorate homes?
32 During the First World War on which Christmas Day did the soldiers of Great Britain and Germany stop fighting and greet each other?
33 There are two Christmas Islands and they are located in which oceans?
34 What did Captain James Cook discover on Christmas Day 1777?
35 Which famous scientist born on Christmas Day is buried in Westminster Abbey?
36 The North Pole is said to be Santa’s home. In which Ocean is the North Pole located?
37 What British spacecraft was lost on Mars Christmas Day 2003?
38 When does the winter solstice occur this year?
39 In the pre Gregorian calendar what numbered month was December?
40 What do people in Scotland call New Years Eve?

I wish all Cotswold Link Readers A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year -
John Harris


...keep scrolling for the answers...







...are you ready?....




Answers to the Christmas Quiz
1 Oliver Cromwell
2 Christina Rossetti
3. The Little Drummer Boy
4. “Glory to the New Born King”
5. Seven swans a swimming
6. St Nicholas
7. Santa Claus
8. Nazareth
9. Jingle Bells
10. 1957
11. 26th December
12. White
13. Robbie Burns
14. Happy Xmas (War is Over)
15. George V (1932)
16. River Delaware
17. Brooms
18. King Herod
19. Reindeer
20. The Elves
21. French
22. Nine
23. Six
24. Prince Albert
25. Sixpence
26. Brandy
27. Stag
28. Hen
29. Reindeers
30. 24
31. Germany
32. 1914
33. Pacific and Indian
34. Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
35. Isaac Newton
36. Arctic
37. Beagle 2
38. Friday 22nd December at 03.27am
40. Hogmanay

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