End of year figures reported by Cotswold District Council’s Warm and Well service show a surge in the number of households coming forward for energy advice and support. |
For the 12 months ending 31 March 2023, the service assisted 257 local households, an increase of 63 per cent compared to the same period last year, indicating that more people felt the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and worried about the price of heating their homes. Home visits and helping residents access £185,000 worth of grant funding for energy saving home improvements such as cavity wall and loft insulation, renewable energy measures and upgraded boilers and heaters were among the key interventions undertaken by the service, all helping to reduce fuel consumption and cut household carbon emissions for some of the district’s hardest to heat homes. It is projected that the total package of support delivered during 2022-23 will bring lifetime energy savings worth £136,000 to Cotswold households, avoiding 674 tonnes of CO2e - the equivalent of saving 2.5 million miles being driven in an average petrol car. Councillor Mike McKeown, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Sustainability at Cotswold District Council, said: “The latest figures released by Warm and Well reflect the struggles faced by a greater number of Cotswold residents over the last 12 months, and particularly during the winter, to heat and maintain their homes at a comfortable temperature. Cold, poorly insulated properties are expensive to run and in the long-term can impact on the health of those living in them, so we would urge anyone finding themself in this position to get in touch with the service to see what help they could be eligible for.” Cutting the energy consumption of the district’s least energy efficient properties will help towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions and support the district in reaching local and national net zero carbon targets. The Warm and Well service is managed by Severn Wye Energy Agency on behalf of Cotswold District Council and the other five local authorities in Gloucestershire as well as South Gloucestershire Council. It offers free energy advice to those living in the district to prevent and alleviate fuel poverty and make energy inefficient homes warmer and healthier. Homeowners, tenants or landlords wanting to find out about the range of support and grant funding available can call the Freephone number 0800 500 3076 or go online at www.warmandwell.co.uk |