Neighbourhood Plan for Stow-on-the-Wold and the Swells now open to consultation

Neighbourhood Plan for Stow-on-the-Wold and the Swells now open to consultation

Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council has submitted a Neighbourhood Plan to help shape the development of Stow-on-the-Wold and the Swells.

The plan sets out a vision for the future of the two parishes and proposes planning policies to be used alongside the Cotswold District Council Local Plan to determine planning applications in the area. 

Under the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations, the Plan is subject to a consultation run by Cotswold District Council, before being reviewed by an Independent Examiner, who will take comments into account in reaching a view on the Plan and its policies.

The Stow-on-the-Wold and the Swells Neighbourhood Plan proposes 16 policies to shape new development, including the allocation of a new mixed-use development, a principal residency policy, designation of Local Green Spaces, the promotion of a new Design Guide and a wide range of policies seeking to address community concerns.

Interested parties are now asked to submit their views on the Stow-on-the-Wold and Swells Neighbourhood Development Plan Consultation. Anyone wishing to comment must do so by 12 noon on Friday 5th January 2024.

To make your comments, please complete the form on our website

We will accept other comments in writing (including electronic, such as email, provided that a name and address are supplied. We cannot accept anonymous comments.

Following the public consultation, the plan will be examined independently to ensure that it meets the conditions of the Localism Act and other relevant regulations. Public comments will also be considered by the independent examiner in determining whether the Plan meets the legal requirements.

For more general information about Neighbourhood Planning please see:

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